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The Palm Sunday Story: Luke 19:28-48

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Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the exact date prophesied in the old testament. God’s timing is perfect, only the true and living God knows what will happen before it happens, and to have it written down in His holy Word.

There are three icons of the Palm Sunday story which stand out. Three items which alone are very common, but help to remind us of Jesus’s Journey. Those three icons are the donkey, the palm branches, and the stones.

Jesus makes a triumphant entry into the holy city on a donkey. Jesus did not tell the disciples to bring a donkey because it was convenient, but because it was prophesied hundreds of years before in Zechariah 9:9, that Jesus would ride in on a donkey. The donkey is a lowly and humble creature, and a symbol of peace. When Jesus returns in the second coming, him and all believers will return riding stallions, symbols of triumph and war, but Jesus came to bring us peace…peace with our Maker through the forgiveness of sins and the work of the cross.

Palm Branches are a symbol of victory. The people of Jerusalem held Palm Branches, but Jesus still wept over the city, because he knew their hearts were wrong. These same people hailing Him king will later cry out “crucify him!” Even Jesus’s own disciples did not know the significance of the cross. The people were expecting a savior of war, a savior to bring about freedom from worldly bondage and a political victory; however, Jesus’s work was much more important. The work of the cross represents the greatest victory of all, the victory over sin and death. And through the sacrifice of Christ, His blood that was shed washes our sin away, and the Lord remembers it no more, and today we have the assurance that we will spend eternity with Him.

The story of Palm Sunday is a snapshot of all of Jesus’s life. Jesus says if they (the disciples) are quiet, the stones will cry out. When Joshua lead his people into the promised land, he was worried the people would not honor him with the same reverence they had for Moses; however, God assured him they would, and the Lord always keeps his promises. The Lord parted the river Jordan for the people, just like with Moses and the Red Sea. In the middle, the Lord had the people pick up stones from the middle of the river, and erect a monument on the other side with them, so that no one would ever forget. Today, we are those living stones! We cry out to the work of a heart transformed through the Holy Spirit

Join Pastor Ken Kerrigan, Pastor Ron Burr, and Elder/Evangelist Dave Falkenstrom as we study the Palm Sunday story in Luke 19:28-48

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