Follow Pastor Ken Sunday Evenings at 6 PM

Priceless Possessions

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Editor's Review

Praesent est exercitation lectus egestas ibero quis vestibulum dignissim hendrerit.
7 Goodness
10 Clearness
3 Nice

The world is passing away, and the lust of it;  but he who does the will of God abides forever.    

1 John 2:17

Jim Elliot, a missionary who was martyred in Ecuador, once made this powerful statement, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” The things that are associated with this world, possessions, titles, fame, pleasures, wealth, are temporary and are passing away.  The things that are associated with the will of God, goodness, righteousness, eternal life, peace, love, are part of the things that will last forever.  When people seek to hold on to things of this world, it is like possessing a handful of sand   that rapidly passes through their fingers. It is in doing the will of God that people will find the things that endure.

God bless you and your family,
Pastor Ken