Follow Pastor Ken Sunday Evenings at 6 PM

Jesus Knows You

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Editor's Review

Ondimentum risus cillum. Semper viverra habitant curae esse taciti. Diam aliquam elementum elit non.
10 Clear
9 Execution
3 Bad

“I am the good Shepherd: and know My sheep, and am known by My own.”

When Jesus watches over your life it is not in the same way that someone watches a ballgame or a play.  He is not a casual observer who passively sits back and watches the action taking place around you.


When Jesus watches over you, it is as a Shepherd who watches over His lambs. Jesus knows your exact location, your exact need, and your exact circumstances.  Jesus, your Shepherd, knows how to deal with everything that you face.  He knows how to handle every problem you encounter, and He knows how to shelter you from every storm that blows your way.  

Jesus will not leave you on your own.  His rod will be your protection, and His staff will be your comfort.



God Bless You and Your Family

Pastor Ken